We are a small group of Buddhists loving people who decided to undertake this small project to save & repopulate the Buddhist monk children population around the world.

Using the proceeds raised, we will help provide food and other necessities to keep Buddhist monk children happy, healthy, and protected.

A regular supply of healthy food is very critical for a dynamic, growing community. The needs are very simple – rice, dhal, potatoes, vegetables, occasional fruit or yogurt, chapattis with peanut butter – really nothing fancy.

And of course everybody needs thukpa, the Tibetan-style noodle soup that is the staple diet of all mountain people in the Himalayan area. Then there are occasional treats for special days, such as vegetable momos, omelets for breakfast, and a very occasional cheese sandwich.

To the younger monks, extra servings of fruit and salad are offered three times a week. Once a week eggs are included in meals - mostly in the form of egg-curry, or boiled eggs for breakfast. The very small ones get a glass of milk once a day.

At 4 pm, after a hard afternoon in school, a snack is served with tea, before the monks are going off to their memorizing sessions or philosophy classes.

The evening meal consist of Thukpa (noodle soup), alternating with fried rice or chow min, the absolute favorites. Tea is served with every meal, sometimes milk tea, black tea or herbal tea.

The cost of food in Nepal has increased by more 15% over the past few years. Vegetables and dairy products have become more expensive, (depending on the season). Another reasons for the increase is the increased cost of transport - fuel has tripled in price, increasing the transport costs of everything. The cost of cooking fuel such as gas and kerosene has also risen sharply. The monthly food bills for the monastery have accordingly increased to around 9500 US$ a month around 1 US$ per person per day.